East Hoathly with Halland Parish Council
Life Saving Bleed Kits Installed
East Hoathly with Halland Parish Council has funded the purchase and installation of Bleed Kits for East Hoathly and for Halland.
Public access bleed kits come with the essentials to provide emergency first aid for someone who is suffering significant blood loss. As well as what is needed, the kit includes gloves for personal protection. The tourniquet is for catastrophic bleeds to limbs and the trauma dressing can be used on any bleed. Instructions are also included in the kits.
There are two public access bleed kits in the parish:-
London Road sports pavilion, East Hoathly.
Buffalo Bills, Halland.
Both kits are next to the existing defibrillators.
We very much hope that these bleed kits will never be used , but it is vital that they are available in case of emergencies. They will equip people to save the lives of others if the worst happens.
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