
Highlights of September, 2024 meetings

Transparency Uploaded on September 10, 2024

202409 Website summary of 9th Spt meetings

On Monday 9th September the Parish Council met in the Village Hall to discuss a number of matters:

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee met to discuss WD/2024/1918/PO which relates to the ‘up to 55 houses’ that have approval to be developed on land south of South Street. The application seeks to amend the affordable housing element (35% of the development) to include 4 dwellings that will be allocated for the provision of First Homes. The First Homes scheme allocates property in perpetuity so it can be bought only by qualifying First Time buyers at a substantially discounted rate.

Further details of the planning application can be found on the Wealden District Council website –

Further details of the First Homes scheme can be found at

The Planning Committee voted unanimously to support this application as it provides an excellent opportunity for qualifying first time buyers to be able to buy a home in East Hoathly.

Finance and General Purposes Committee

The Committee discussed verge mowing in the Parish and resolved to recommend to Full Council that we increase the number of verge mows in 2025. The Committee also resolved to remove all Wildlife verge designations in the Parish except in the verge in Halland adjacent to the Knowle Lane junction and along London Road towards the Shaw Roundabout. These verges will be included in the new mowing schedule.

The Committee also agreed the 2025/6 Budget Setting Timetable and the Parish Council welcomes suggestions from residents.

The Committee also resolved to join a body that will be able to support us in the forthcoming project for the War Memorial Sports Ground and Pavilion.

Trustees of East Hoathly and Halland War Memorial Sports Ground

The Parish Council met as Trustees of the Charity and agreed to launch the project for the Sports Ground and Pavilion following the Neighbourhood Plan Referendum. Members of the community and local groups and organisations will be invited to join the Project group. The Trustees also agreed to recommend to Full Council that the roundabout be repaired.

Minutes of all Parish Council meetings are available on our website.

Our next Full Council meeting is on Monday 30th September in the Village Hall – details of the agenda will be posted before the meeting. You are very welcome to join us.