
Notice of Planning Appeal

Transparency Uploaded on October 2, 2024


Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Appeal by Millen Homes Ltd (the Appellant) Site: LAND NORTH AND WEST OF 2 ESTATE COTTAGES, HEATHFIELD ROAD, HALLAND, BN8 6PW Proposal: DEVELOPMENT OF 9 NO. DWELLINGS, OFFICE SPACE AND CHILDREN’S PLAY AREA. Planning Inspectorate Ref: APP/C1435/W/24/3348674

The Planning Inspectorate have received notice of a planning appeal against the failure of Wealden District Council (Council) to determine within the appropriate period the above application.

The Secretary of State considers that the written representations procedure be followed for this appeal. This procedure requires that those owners and occupiers of properties near the site and those who expressed a view at application stage be informed of the appeal and be given the opportunity to submit further views in writing. Please Note: Any views received in writing by the Council at the application stage will have been forwarded to The Planning Inspectorate, for the Inspector’s attention.

The Planning Inspectorate have introduced an on-line appeals service which you can use to comment on this appeal. This service can be found through the Appeals Casework Service website at The Council or the Inspectorate may publish details of your comments on the internet. As your comments may include personal information (eg. name, address, etc), please ensure that you only provide information that you are happy will be made available to others in this way. If you supply information belonging to a third party, please ensure you have their permission to do so. More detailed information about data protection and privacy matters is available on the Planning Portal.

Alternatively, representations can be made in writing (please enclose THREE copies of your representations) and sent direct to The Planning Inspectorate at the address overleaf, quoting APP/C1435/W/24/3348674. The Planning Inspectorate will not acknowledge your letter.


The Planning Inspectorate Room: C Eagle, 3rd Floor, Temple Quay House 2 The Square, Temple Quay BRISTOL, BS1 6PN


Please ensure that any representations which you wish to make on this appeal are submitted to The Planning Inspectorate by 18 October 2024, otherwise they will not be considered and will be returned to you. You should note that for your views to be considered they must be made available to the Appellant, the District Council and the Secretary of State or his/her Inspector, accordingly such arrangements will be made.

Details of the planning application and appeal can be viewed on-line on the Council’s website: An electronic copy can also be viewed (on the Internet) at the Council Offices in Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, BN27 2AX by prior arrangement by telephoning 01892 602510.

Should you wish to know the decision on this planning appeal, then you are advised to register to receive email updates, which can be done online at and quoting WD/2024/0584/O. Registration for updates is free, though an active e-mail account will be required.

Further information and advice is contained within an electronic booklet, “Guide to taking part in planning appeals proceeding by a written representation – England” through the following link to the Planning Portal website:- 6/taking-part_planning-written_Sept_2019.pdf