
March, 2023

Minutes Uploaded on April 27, 2023



 Meeting of the Full Council on 27th March, 2023 at 7.00pm.



In attendance: Cllrs. Bradley, Cole, Freezer, Magness, Partridge, Pope (chairman) and Vaughan (from 7.05pm).

Also participating: County Councillor Nick Bennett, Malcolm Ramsden (clerk), Verne Heath (rfo) (via Zoom) and twenty eight members of the public.





         Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend.  The first fifteen minutes of the meeting will be available for the public to express a view or ask a question on relevant matters on the agenda.  The public and members of the press are also welcome to stay and observe the rest of the meeting (subject to any items considered as confidential within the terms of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960).

Items raised by residents:-

  1. A description of the benefits and a request for a Communication Board to be mounted at the War Memorial Sports Field play area. See agenda item No.

7.05pm.Cllr. Vaughan arrives.

  1. Much support from the tennis club for the building of a clubhouse at the War Memorial Sports Field. Chairman referred to the recent legal opinion received which suggested the governing document registered with the Charity Commissioners, subject to some use by the general public, would be that the building of such a pavilion like facility could be appropriate. See agenda item No.
  2. In response to a question concerning why the Parish Council element of the Council Tax had risen by 7.6% the chairman explained that there had been no increase for a number of years but that costs had been increasing. The clerk listed the items and services that were Council’s responsibility in response to a question regarding what the funds were being used for.
  3. Concern was raised regarding booking clashes at the pavilion that had occurred in the past. Chairman highlighted the new booking system and clerk confirmed that tennis bookings already made should not suffer from ‘double bookings’.
  4. References to a May, 2000 ‘Sports Ground Trust Constitution’ resulted in the Chairman stating that there were no plans to establish a playing field committee at present. The Vice-chairman reminded the meeting that there had been a committee in the past but it had been disbanded. The May 2000 paper had not been registered with the Charity Commissioners but the clerk undertook to review the 2000 minutes looking for more details. Clerk also to review 2008/10 minutes to find details of the ‘forced disbandment’ referred to by a member of the public. Chairman suggested proposing to the ‘new’ Council that the matter of a sports ground constitution be resurrected with a view to formalizing with the Charity Commissions and be included as an agenda item for the June meeting.
  5. A second water leak has been identified at the Garden Plots. Clerk to arrange repair.



County Cllr. Bennett referred members to his previously circulated report and responded to the Chairman’s question regarding when Balfour Beatty Living Places Limited, who had recently been appointed as contractor for highways and infrastructure services, had yet started. County Cllr. Bennett went on to describe the condition of the roads as a shambles and reported that the number of crews working on potholes and road maintenance had doubled from ten to twenty but that there just weren’t any more crews available and also that the extra £3m funding made available would fall woefully short of a £300m requirement.

County Cllr. Bennett explained that, in response to Cllr. Partridge’s question regarding who was responsible for checking the contractor’s work, ‘before and after’ photographs supplied by the contractors were checked by council staff but that there were so many, bearing in mind the twenty crews currently employed, that not all could be checked. Any suggestions of anything improper being conducted should be reported to the Council. 



Members are invited to make any declaration of personal or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on the agenda and are reminded to make any declarations at any stage during the meeting if it then becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is to be considered

         Cllr. Pope declared his continuing interest in matters relating to his association with Church Marks Green Management Co. Ltd. Cllr. Bradley declared her interest in matters relating to the Garden Plots and Cllr. Vaughan declared his interest in respect of payments to be approved.


  1. APOLOGIES – to receive apologies for absence




         5.1          To approve/note payments payable/paid February, 2023

                        Members noted from the previously circulated list of receipts and payments that Lightsource had made an advance payment for their 2023/24 commitment. Cllr. Freezer referred members to the payment of £2,454 to Superior Glass Limited made in respect of an incorrectly fitted door which blocked the entrance to the disabled toilet at the pavilion.

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Magness

0546                RESOLVED to approve/note payments payable/paid February, 2023 totalling £8,681.46 (See appendix A).

5.2          To note income/expenditure-vs-budget and approve, if necessary, overspends/under-receipts not previously approved

                        Members noted that, and approved, in addition to items previously reported, an overspend of £290 in respect of PAYE and National Insurance payments (code 4030).

5.3          Salary scale review

                        Chairman declared that, in view of the confidential nature within the terms of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960, that this item be moved to follow agenda item No.9.12  

5.4          To approve funds transfers from CIL accounts

                        Members discussed the appropriate uses of CIL funds and were referred to the previously circulated transfer suggestions

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Vaughan

0547                RESOLVED to approve five transfers from CIL accounts as detailed in Appendix B.

         5.5          To consider Garden Plot ‘rents’ for 2024/5

            Members noted the income (£2,825) and expenditure (£2,125) figures, to date, relating to the Garden Plots

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Partridge

0548                RESOLVED to retain the ‘rents’ for 2024/5 at £50.

5.6          Member audit and bank account reconciliation

                                    Cllr. Vaughan conducted the member audit confirming conformance of:-

                                                13Jan2023 – Geoxphere £120.00

                                                06Feb2023 – Delia Thorntom £120.00

                                                24Feb2023 – Superior Glass Limited £2,454.00

         Chairman confirmed and signed bank statements and corresponding cashbook records as at 31st January, 2023.

                                                Current account – £10,544.57

                                                Instant Access account – £72,502.26

                                                s.106 account – £14,866.53

                                                95 day account – £80,000.00                                                    

5.7          To consider Earmarked Reserves transfers

                        Members considered suggestions for transfers from General Reserves to Earmarked Reserves as previously circulated

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Magness

0549                RESOLVED to transfer the following amounts from General Reserves

                                    £3,750 to Non routine maintenance reserve

                                    £900 to Election expenses reserve

                                    £2,000 to Insurance reserve

                                    £1,500 to Waste/dog bins reserve

5.8          Contractor selection

                                    See below.


9.2          Community Gardens request (promoted in agenda order)

                        Clerk referred members to the previously circulated request regarding shed, greenhouse size, orchard/wildflower area, bench, arch and funding towards a deer fence. At the suggestion of Cllr. Bradley, the Community Garden representative agreed to arrange for detailed plans of present and proposed future requirements to be provided to Council for discussion and consideration of relevant amendments to the Community Gardens ‘licence’.


8.1.3             Playing field (promoted in agenda order)             Tennis club clubhouse

                        Chairman presented the request from the tennis club, details of which had been previously circulated, to build a clubhouse on a portion of the land leased to the tennis club, stressing that any structure on Trust land becomes the property of the Trust and went on to confirm that a legal opinion had been obtained suggesting that such a pavilion like building would be acceptable within the terms of the governing documents held by the Charity Commissioners. Discussion centred around the proposed siting of the clubhouse with a suggestion that it could be better placed elsewhere.


8.27pm Chairman suspended Standing Orders in order to seek clarification from the tennis club representative.

                        Members learnt from the tennis club representative that costs would escalate significantly and be prohibitive if the clubhouse were to be positioned anywhere other than as proposed.

8.32pm Chairman re-instated Standing Orders


                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Vaughan and seconding by Cllr. Pope

0550                RESOLVED to agree, in principle, to take forward the erection of a tennis clubhouse on the proposed site between the tennis courts and the car park subject to more detailed plans being received and considered.



         6.1          To resolve that the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 27th February, 2023 be taken as read, confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Freezer

0551                RESOLVED to approve that the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 27th February, 2023 be taken as read, confirmed as a correct record, and be signed by the Chairman.

               6.1.1             Matters arising from minutes not otherwise covered by agenda items

                        Clerk updated members regarding the responses from English Woodland and Wealden District Council’s planning enforcement and conservation departments relating to activity in Moat Wood reported last month.

                        Members learnt that Hadlow Down Parish Council had been reluctant to provide evidence relating to their request to join with them in correspondence concerning East Sussex County Council highways department.


7.1          Neighbourhood Plan

7.1.1             Update

                        Cllr. Magness reported progress and that meetings would be arranged to add the necessary comments to the Plan document. Clerk to arrange a meeting with Wealden District Council to discuss responses and next steps.

7.2          To note District Council and Planning Inspector decisions to date


7.3          Parish Cluster meeting update

Members noted that a response to the NPPF consultation is being compiled and that meetings of the Cluster group are ‘on hold’ until the revisions are known.



8.1         To discuss progress regarding drainage/landscaping, including enhancements to playing field equipment, and installations

8.1.1             Landscaping/Drainage             Project update

                                    Members agreed that this item be removed from this and future agendas until there is progress.             Grant funding

                                    Members agreed that this item be removed from this and future agendas until there is progress.

8.1.2             Pavilion             Booking arrangements/fees for 2023

                        Members were referred to the previously circulated fee schedule and discussed some aspects of bookings and suggested that bookings should not be confirmed until paid for and that use of the car park and erection of bouncy castles and the like attract an additional charge. Clerk to include item for discussion at the next meeting of Council and explore if requests for bookings more than a fixed number of weeks ahead could be blocked.

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Freezer

0552                RESOLVED to approve that the current fee structure be continued.             Toilet access for tennis players

                        Clerk explained the reasons behind the lobby partition door being placed incorrectly.

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Freezer

0553                RESOLVED to approve a spend of up to £850 to correct the position..             Playing field access

                        Members agreed to put a hold on the Susans Close entrance until the outcome of the Southern Water query was known and that the tennis court boundary fence bay go ahead.             Caretaker/bookings administrator vacancy

                        Members were referred to the previously circulated draft advertisement and approved further changes.

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Vaughan and seconding by Cllr. Pope

0554                RESOLVED to approve the amended version and display the advertisement.

8.1.3             Playing field             Tennis club clubhouse

                                                                        See above.             Communication board

                                    Members reviewed the proposed placing of a Communications Board at the sports field play area and agreed that such a board be purchased. Clerk to seek advice from ROSPA regarding appropriate placement.

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Freezer

0555                RESOLVED to approve a spend of up to £500 to purchase and mount a Communications Board.             To approve funds transfers/payments

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Vaughan

0556                RESOLVED to approve the transfer of a receipt for £674.80 incorrectly credited to the War Memorial charity bank account in respect of a contribution towards legal costs from the War Memorial charity account to Council funds



9.1          Correspondence

                                    Noted. (Appendix C).

9.2          Community Gardens request

                                    See above.

9.3          Replacement of ‘Clarke’ bench

                        Members discussed benches made of various materials before agreeing to consider a metal bench similar to the Carnival Society bench at the entrance to the Mews and agreed that the existing base should be used. Clerk to circulate a number of designs.

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Freezer

0557                RESOLVED to approve the choice to be delegated to members using email.

9.4          Closed circuit tv

                        Members noted Wealden District Council’s response to the request for a cctv camera to be installed in Back Lane to identify fly-tippers as; indeed being considered, but for obvious reasons will not be advising anyone when it’s in place.

9.5          Items detailed in Garden Plots sub-committee minutes

                        Members agreed to discuss the various points highlighted in the minutes of a recent meeting of the Garden Plot committee at a separate meeting. Clerk to arrange.

9.6          ‘Missing’ fingerposts

                        Members discussed the possibility of replacing two fingerposts found to be ‘missing’ and were awaiting a response from the Conservation Society before determining if County Council policy would allow.

9.7          Church Marks Lane pavement

                        East Sussex County Council seem reluctant to resurface the damaged and patched section of Church Marks Lane from the school to beyond the churchyard entrance. Clerk to obtain quotes from contractors before considering how this might be taken forward.

9.8          Emergency Plan

                                    Carried forward.

9.9          Email update

                                    Change over anticipated as being on the 3rd of April.


9.10        Complaints procedure

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Freezer

0558                RESOLVED to approve the previously circulated complaints procedure.

9.11        Items for inclusion in Annual Parish Meeting

                        Members agreed the format for the Annual Parish Meeting. Clerk to contact possible contributors.

9.12        Clerk’s progress report



5.8          Contractor selection

                        Members approved, with minor amendments, the previously circulated selection process.


5.3          Salary scale review

         In a confidential session members properly approved, with effect from the 1st of April, 2023, the following salary scales for officers:-  

                     Clerk – Scale 38

                     RFO – Scale 30                                             



To note that the next meeting of the Full Council will be held on Monday 24th April, 2023 at 7.00 pm at the Village Hall, East Hoathly



Meeting closed at 10:15pm






Appendix A


Payee Name Amount Transaction Detail
28/02/2023 EH&H War Memorial P/Field £1,000.00 Grant to WM charity
28/02/2023 Tony Pope £48.59 Printing ink/NP exp
28/02/2023 East Hoathly Village Hall £52.50 Warm space
28/02/2023 Anthony Read £165.00 Weekly maintenance
28/02/2023 Delia Thornton £120.00 Emergency Plan pack
28/02/2023 Castle Water £53.85 Garden plot water
28/02/2023 HMRC £746.81 Tax and NI
28/02/2023 Dawson Hart Solicitors £674.80 Rifle club deed
28/02/2023 Ashdown Solutions Ltd £163.04 Cloud and M/S 365
28/02/2023 EH&H War Memorial P/Field £108.07 Electricity refund SSE
28/02/2023 Verne Heath £356.62 Salary/expenses
28/02/2023 Malcolm Ramsden £1,541.18 Salary/expenses
28/02/2023 Mailing Expert Ltd £987.00 NP Plan printing
28/02/2023 Shaun Kasperuk £210.00 Meter box preparation
28/02/2023 Superior Glass Ltd £2,454.00 Door to disabled toilet
TOTAL £8,681.46



Appendix B


Code 4370 £200 blast and paint village sign.


Code 4140 £450 Mike Hill architect plans for the pavilion.


Code 4290 £47.76 sign refurbishment and £2,045 the superior glass access door in the pavilion


Code 4350 £1,500 for 2 new litter bins.




Appendix C


Correspondence:  24th February, 2023 to 20th March, 2023


  1. A resident: State of pavement at Church Marks Lane by church
  2. WGOD submission to NPPF Consultation (already circulated to members)
  3. WDC: Wealden Weekly Commencing 27th February
  4. WDC: Minutes for Planning Committee South, Thursday, 23rd February, 2023
  5. WDC: Media release: Streets of Wealden event
  6. WDC: The Rural Bulletin – 28 February 2023
  7. RSN Rural Funding Digest – March 2023 Edition
  9. WDC: Media release – Wealden Community Lottery tickets go on sale
  10. What’s On this March with Applause
  11. WDC; Agenda for Planning Committee North, Thursday, 9th March, 2023
  12. Vanguard Way Association – interim news
  13. WDC: Supplement: Member’s Question -Written Response – Levelling Up Bid to the agenda for Full Council, Wednesday, 22nd February, 2023
  14. ESCC Highways – Temporary road closure – U7671 Spinney Lane, Waldron -18-24 April 2023 (already sent to members)
  15. ESCC Highways – Temporary road closure – C13 Moat Lane , Waldron -1-7 March 2023 (already sent to members)
  16. WDC: Supplement: Presentation Slides for Applications Listed on the Agenda to the agenda for Planning Committee North, Thursday, 9th March, 2023
  17. NALC: Chief executive’s bulletin
  18. WDC: Agenda for Audit, Finance and Governance Committee, Monday, 13th March, 2023
  19. WDC: Wealden Community Lottery – Ticket Sales Launched
  20. ERTA: Guildford Public Meeting – All welcome
  21. WDC: Wealden Weekly Commencing 6th March
  22. Gatwick FASI ACP Stakeholder Engagement Jan Feb 23 updated Presentation and Q&A Record
  23. WDC: media release – Street Learning courses April-July 2023
  24. ERTA: Guildford Public Meeting – All welcome. 2
  25. WDC: media release – EV charging installation starts this week (already forwarded to members)
  26. WDC: media release – Food Waste Action Week 20
  27. WDC: Supplement: Review of Risk Based Verification Policy for Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction Claims to the agenda for Audit, Finance and Governance Committee, Monday, 13th March, 2023
  28. WDC: Supplement: Appendix A – Strategic Projects to the agenda for Audit, Finance and Governance Committee, Monday, 13th March, 2023
  29. WDC: Parish Bulletin – February 2023 (already forwarded to members)
  30. NALC events
  31. WDC: Supplement: Statement from Interested Party for Applications Listed on the Agenda to the agenda for Planning Committee North, Thursday, 9th March, 2023
  32. WDC: Agenda for Cabinet, Wednesday, 15th March, 2023
  33. ESALC: Carbon Literacy training launch event for Parish & Town Councils (already forwarded to members)
  34. NALC Newsletter
  35. WDC: Newly published decision: Wealden District Council – (Off-Street Parking Places) Order 2015 (Amendment No. 4)
  36. WDC: media release: Great British Spring Clean 2023 (already forwarded to members)
  37. WDC: media release: Streets of Wealden events begin in Polegate and Crowborough
  38. Letter to Stacey Robins re. Southern Water
  39. WDC: Supplement: Officer Updates to the agenda for Planning Committee North, Thursday, 9th March, 2023
  40. WDC: media release: Wealden Community Sports Hub Exhibition
  41. WDC: media release: Explore Wealden attraction guide 2023
  42. WDC: Agenda for Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Monday, 20th March, 2023
  43. WDC: Media release: Wealden development benefits from £300k funding
  44. South East Water Want Your Views
  45. Wealden Weekly week commencing 13 Mar, 2023
  46. NALC: Chief Executive’s bulletin
  47. WDC: Media release: New changing places facility for Polegate
  48. WDC: Media release: Wealden District Council encourages people to explore the Cuckoo Trail
  49. Uckfield TC: Petition and rally against closure of Uckfield Leisure Centre – Midday Saturday 18th March (already forwarded to members)
  50. Active Places: Newsletter March 2023
  51. Wealden Funding Opportunities – March 2023
  52. NALC events
  53. WDC: media release – New Changing Places facility opens in Pevensey Bay
  54. WDC: media release – Chairman’s Civic Reception 2023
  55. WDC: media release -changes to Council Tax charges
  56. ESCC: In this issue… the sign off of our Strategic Investment Plan
  57. WDC: Agenda for Planning Committee South, Thursday, 23rd March, 2023
  58. ESALC: Open spaces and paths: a new guide to protection
  59. WDC: Media release: Small Wealden business park plan moves forward
  60. WDC: media release: Millions in pounds in government helps deliver projects across Wealden
  61. WDC: Media release: Wealden Community Sports Hub project moves forward
  62. WDC: Media release: Improvements to outdoor sports facilities in Wealden
  63. WDC: Media release: Thousands of pounds given to community groups across Wealden
  64. NALC events
  65. WDC: media release: New economic strategy approved by Wealden council
  66. WDC: Media release: Diesel run waste vehicles in Wealden to operate on HVO
  67. WDC: Decision sheet for Cabinet, Wednesday, 15th March, 2023
  68. WDC: Media release: Wealden closes the gender pay gap by circa 10%
  69. WDC: media release: Grant funding given to Wealden Citizens Advice
  70. Wealden Weekly Commencing 20th March
  71. Satswana Council Update March 2023
  72. WDC: Update on Local Plan Timetable (already forwarded to members)
  73. WDC: Media release: Planning application submitted for small Wealden business park
  74. NALC: Chief executives bulletin
  75. Have your say on South East Water’s strategic priorities for the next 25 years
  76. WDC: Supplement: Presentation Slides for Applications Listed on the Agenda to the agenda for Planning Committee South, Thursday, 23rd March, 2023
  77. NALC events
  78. WDC: East Sussex Safer Communities Board Meeting