
April, 2023

Minutes Uploaded on June 27, 2023



 Meeting of the Full Council on 24th April, 2023 at 7.00pm.



In attendance: Cllrs. Bradley, Cole, Freezer, Magness, Pope (chairman) and Vaughan.

Also participating: County Councillor Nick Bennett, District Councillor Geoffrey Draper, Malcolm Ramsden (clerk), Verne Heath (rfo) (via Zoom), two members of the public and two Police Community Support Officers.





         Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend.  The first fifteen minutes of the meeting will be available for the public to express a view or ask a question on relevant matters on the agenda.  The public and members of the press are also welcome to stay and observe the rest of the meeting (subject to any items considered as confidential within the terms of the Public Bodies (Admission to meetings) Act 1960).

         PCSO’s Barraclough and Choppin introduced themselves and explained that their area covered Hastings/Polegate/Crowborough/Frant and that they were kept busy mainly with speeding and parking issues and asked that they be told of anything that they should be made aware of.

         A representative of the Carnival Society outlined plans for a Coronation event and asked for financial support by way of the Council’s grant scheme. (See agenda item No.5.3).



         County Cllr. Bennett explained that the next progress report would be issued following the May elections. Cllr. Freezer asked that signage be erected restricting access to South Street by construction traffic.


         District Cllr. Draper reported that work on the Local Plan had been suspended pending the publication of central government’s National Planning Policy Framework document and confirmed that free parking would continue, where already in place, for the time being.

         Discussion centred around the Redrow liaison group progress and issues caused by South East Water’s update consultation response relating to the Paddock Green development.

         Members learnt that District inspectors were aware of developments at Decoy Pond and that Tree Protection Order records were being checked.



Members are invited to make any declaration of personal or prejudicial interests that they may have in relation to items on the agenda and are reminded to make any declarations at any stage during the meeting if it then becomes apparent that this may be required when a particular item or issue is to be considered

         Cllr. Pope declared his continuing interest in matters relating to his association with Church Marks Green Management Co. Ltd. Cllr. Bradley declared her interest in matters relating to the Garden Plots and Carnival Society grant request, as did Cllr. Freezer.


  1. APOLOGIES – to receive apologies for absence




5.3          To consider grant requests received (promoted in agenda order)

7.30pm Chairman suspended Standing Orders in order to seek clarification from the Carnival Society representative.

                        Members learnt from the Carnival Society representative that costs had been updated since the date of the original grant request and that all requested insurance covers would be in place for the event.

7.35pm Chairman re-instated Standing Orders

                        Cllr. Bradley confirmed that appropriate insurance would be in place for the bouncy council. Members learnt from the chairman that last year’s budget had not been fully spent and that a monarch’s coronation would not be a common event.

                                                Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Vaughan

0559                            RESOLVED to approve that no hire fee be charged for the use of the pavilion and that a grant of £685 be awarded in respect of costs for band  hire,(£550), complimentary refreshment (£35) and an element (£100) towards the cost of incidentals.

         5.1          To approve/note payments payable/paid March, 2023

                        Chairman highlighted payments for the fingerpost maintenance and floodlight meter switching from the previously circulate payment list.

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Cole

0560                RESOLVED to approve/note payments payable/paid March, 2023 totalling £8,497.64 (See appendix A).

5.2          To note income/expenditure-vs-budget and approve, if necessary, overspends/under-receipts not previously approved


5.3          To consider grant requests received (see above)

5.4          Additional bank accounts

                        Members agreed that two additional bank accounts would be needed to retain protection under fscs limits. Internal auditor advice to be sought.

5.5          Audit papers

                                    Carried forward.

5.6          Bank account reconciliation

         Chairman confirmed and signed bank statements and corresponding cashbook records as at 31st March, 2023.

                                                Current account – £10,436.77

                                                Instant Access account – £72,538.40

                                                s.106 account – £8,305.49

                                                95 day account – £80,000.00                                                    

5.7          Publication of financial information

                        Members learnt that Cllr. Freezer and the RFO have been working on the layout of a financial summary sheet for publication on the website.

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Freezer and seconding by Cllr. Pope

0561                RESOLVED to approve publication of financial details on the website.



         6.1          To resolve that the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 27th March, 2023 be taken as read, confirmed as a correct record and signed by the Chairman

                        Members noted Cllr. Cole’s comment that the clerk didn’t always notice which member had been first to second some of the proposals.

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Cole

0562                RESOLVED to approve that the minutes of the Council Meeting held on Monday 27th March, 2023 be taken as read, confirmed as a correct record, and be signed by the Chairman.

               6.1.1             Matters arising from minutes not otherwise covered by agenda items

                        Members noted that the item relating to the War Memorial Sports Field group would be carried forward to a future meeting.



7.1          Neighbourhood Plan

7.1.1             Update

                        Members learnt that meetings had been held to consider the Reg.14 responses from the District Council and that a meeting would be arranged to discuss the outcomes with District.

7.1.2             Version 18 adoption

                                                Carried forward.

7.2          To note District Council and Planning Inspector decisions to date




8.1          Pavilion

8.1.1             Caretaker/bookings administrator vacancy

                        Clerk reported that there had been no responses to the advertisements. Cllr. Freezer advised members that an outside agency could be contracted for £50 with a further charge dependent upon how many respondents were selected for interview.

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Cole

0563                RESOLVED to increase the remuneration level to be in the region of £15 per hour and that Indeed be enlisted to widen the search.

8.1.2             Entrance lobby partition

                                                Awaiting a date when the partition can be fitted.

8.1.3             Booking arrangements/fees for 2023/4

                        Clerk reported that there had been no response from the Carnival Society. Agreement reached to arrange for a meeting to discuss further amendments to hire conditions and booking arrangements.

8.2          Sports ground

8.2.1             Sports ground access

                        Members learnt that the clerk was trying to arrange a three way meeting between Southern Water, Redrow and Council to resolve the access situation at Susans Close. As a temporary solution flip down posts might provide a way forward.

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Cole

0564                RESOLVED to approve costs of up to £500 to provide the solution.

8.2.2             Tennis clubhouse

                                                Carried forward.

8.2.3             Communication board

                        Members agreed to the installation of a communication board at the play area at last month’s meeting. ROSPA advice not yet received. Clerk to order board and chase ROSPA.

         8.3          General

8.3.1             Funding

                                                Carried forward until Neighbourhood Plan at inspection stage.



9.1          Correspondence

                                    Noted. (See appendix B).

9.2          Community Gardens request

                        In response to members discussing the differences between the plots being used by residents and being used by a company, clerk is to seek further details from the Community Gardens including sight of their constitution, safeguarding policies, community involvement statement and asset lock before proceeding with ‘licence’ amendments. In the meantime members agreed that no structures be permitted but that the request concerning the wild flower area and bench be approved.

9.3          Garden Plots request

                        Request on hold seeking clarification from District Council regarding structures. Clerk to enquire regarding conversion to allotment status.

9.4          Replacement of South Street/High Street bench

                                    Following a proposal by Cllr. Pope and seconding by Cllr. Cole

0565                RESOLVED to approve costs of £1,262 for the bench purchase and up to £100 for fixing.

9.5          Church Marks Lane pavement

                                    Carried forward.

9.6          ‘Missing’ fingerposts

                        Agreement reached to explore what might be possible regarding the replacement of two ‘missing’ fingerposts.

9.7          CIL consultation

                        Members agreed to leave individual consultation responses to individuals if appropriate.

9.8          Emergency Plan

                                    Still on hold.

9.9          Annual Parish Meeting (Village meeting)

                                    Members reviewed the previously circulated agenda.

9.10        Clerk’s progress report




To note that the next meeting of the Full Council will be the Annual General Meeting and be held on Monday 15th May, 2023 at 6.30 pm at the Village Hall, East Hoathly



Meeting closed at 9:25pm





Appendix A


Payee Name

£ Amount Transaction Detail
Aspray claims at home 250.00 Insurance excess amount
Chris Bartholomew 356.40 Trace system
East Sussex County Council 240.00 Street light maintenance
Jakk Country Furniture 1,967.52 Fingerpost refurbishment
HMRC 491.61 Tax and NI
Chris Bartholomew 797.45 Meter switch, lights
Verne Heath 298.33 Salary/expenses
Malcolm Ramsden 1,119.55 Salary/expenses
Castle Water 53.85 Allotment water supply
Keith Stillwell plumbing 475.00 Inspection/repairs/leak
Chris Knott insurance 252.13 Allotment insurance
Anthony Read 165.00 Weekly maintenance chk
Ashdown Solutions Ltd 68.30 March cloud storage/365
Netwise UK 528.00 Website and support
Chris Bartholomew 82.03 Replaced pullswitch
Wealden District Council 858.00 11 bins 1/4ly payment
Tony Pope 60.90 postage/ink/frame
ESALC Limited 433.57 Member subs



Appendix B


Correspondence:  21st March, 2023 to 18th April, 2023


  1. NALC newsletter
  2. WDC: Agenda for Planning Committee North, Thursday, 30th March, 2023
  3. WDC: Supplement: Officer Updates to the agenda for Planning Committee South, Thursday, 23rd March, 2023
  4. WDC: Media release: Wealden awarded Home Upgrade Grant funding
  5. WDC: Supplement: Presentation Slides for Applications Listed on the Agenda to the agenda for Planning Committee North, Thursday, 30th March, 2023
  6. WDC: Newly published decision: Housing Fire Safety Management Policy – Consultation Survey
  7. WDC: Newly published decision: Replacement of Private Housing Database
  8. WDC: Newly published decision: Taxi Licensing Fees
  9. WDC: Newly published decision: Gender Pay Gap Report
  10. NALC Chief Executive’s bulletin
  11. Wealden Weekly Commencing 27th March
  12. Podcast of the Month!  EP.40 | Cllr James Jamieson ‘Under Pressure’
  13. WDC: Newly published decision: Social Housing Regulator changes on mutual exchange and tenant involvement
  14. Last Chance! South East Water Want Your Views
  15. Rural Services Network: The Rural Bulletin – 28 March 2023
  16. WDC: Minutes for Planning Committee South, Thursday, 23rd March, 2023
  17. WDC: Minutes for Planning Committee North, Thursday, 9th March, 2023
  18. NALC events
  19. WDC: media release: Benefits service drop-in session in Crowborough (already forwarded to members)
  20. WDC: Supplement: MINUTES – To Follow 9 March 2023 to the agenda for Planning Committee North, Thursday, 30th March, 2023
  21. NALC Newsletter
  22. Digital Demand Responsive Transport in East Sussex
  23. WDC: Supplement: Officer Updates to the agenda for Planning Committee North, Thursday, 30th March, 2023
  24. WDC: Media release: First winners for Wealden Community Lottery announced
  25. ESCC: Tree Talk – tree and hedgerow chat with Team Tree Council- all the latest news, best practice, and discussion from our experts
  26. WDC: Minutes for Overview and Scrutiny Committee, Monday, 20th March, 2023
  27. WDC: Meeting cancelled – 18/05/2023, 10:00, Planning Committee North
  28. WDC: Media release: Recycling this Easter
  29. NALC: Chief executive’s bulletin
  30. Wealden Weekly Commencing 3rd April
  31. Applause April Newsletter
  32. WDC: Media release: Renewable energy initiative
  33. WDC: Newly published decision: Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Policy and Guidance
  34. ERTA Guildford Public Meeting 15-04-2023
  35. The Rural Bulletin – 4 April 2023
  36. RSN Rural Funding Digest – April 2023 Edition
  37. WDC: Wealden Weekly Commencing 10th April
  38. NALC: Chief executive’s bulletin
  39. ESCC: Temporary road closure – U7672 Stalker Lane East Hoathly- 22.06.23 – 27.06.23 (already forwarded to all members)
  40. ESCC: Temporary road closure – C13 Waldron Road, East Hoathly 8-12 June 2023
  41. The Rural Bulletin – 12 April 2023
  42. WDC: Media release: Cost of Living Strategy consultation (already forwarded to members)
  43. NALC newsletter
  44. WDC: Agenda for Licensing Sub-Committee, Thursday, 20th April, 2023
  45. Vanguard Way – VGW News – April 2023
  46. NALC: Chief executive’s bulletin
  47. Wealden Weekly Commencing 17 April
  48. WDC: Meeting cancelled – 20/04/2023, 10:00, Licensing Sub-Committee
  49. The Rural Bulletin – 18 April 2023
  50. WDC: Media release: Voter Authority Certificate deadline is fast approaching